Understanding Smart Contracts: Types, Benefits and More

  1. Blockchain Technology
  2. Smart Contracts and Dapps
  3. Types of Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are revolutionizing the way we conduct business online. With the power of blockchain technology, smart contracts are automating the way we exchange and manage data, assets, and money. They are changing the way we think about transactions and interactions on the internet. Smart contracts have a wide variety of use cases and can be used in different industries. From real estate to healthcare, smart contracts are making transactions faster, more secure, and more efficient.

In this article, we'll explore the different types of smart contracts, discuss their benefits, and explain how they work. The term “smart contract” was first coined by computer scientist Nick Szabo in 1996. He defined a smart contract as a “computerized transaction protocol that executes the terms of a contract.” Essentially, a smart contract is a digital agreement between two or more parties that is stored on the blockchain and automatically enforced. There are four main types of smart contracts:

  • Traditional Smart Contracts: These are written in computer code, using a programming language such as Java or Python, and stored on the blockchain. They are usually used in business-to-business (B2B) transactions and can be used to automate processes such as payments, supply chain management, auditing, voting, identity management, and more.
  • Ethereum Smart Contracts: These are written using the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which is a Turing-complete programming language. Ethereum smart contracts are a popular choice for businesses that want to use the blockchain for more complex applications. They can be used to create decentralized applications (dApps), create tokens, and more.
  • Hyperledger Smart Contracts: These are written in the Hyperledger Fabric programming language and are used in permissioned blockchains.

    They are popular for business applications as they offer greater control over the data stored on the blockchain.

  • Corda Smart Contracts: These are written in the Corda programming language and are used in enterprise blockchains. They are designed to facilitate transactions between businesses without the need for a third party.
Smart contracts have numerous advantages over traditional contracts. They are faster, more secure, cheaper to execute, and more transparent. They can also reduce fraud, increase efficiency, and provide greater trust between parties involved in the transaction.

Additionally, they can be used to automate processes such as payments, supply chain management, auditing, voting, identity management, and more.

Benefits of Smart Contracts

Smart contracts offer numerous benefits for businesses. These include: Increased Efficiency: Smart contracts help to automate processes, eliminating manual tasks and reducing time spent on mundane tasks.

Reduced Costs:

Smart contracts eliminate the need for third parties or intermediaries, resulting in reduced costs.

Increased Security:

Smart contracts are stored on the blockchain, making them secure and tamper-proof.

Increased Transparency:

All transactions conducted using smart contracts are recorded on the blockchain, making them visible to all parties involved.

Applications of Smart Contracts

Smart contracts can be used for a variety of applications, including payments, supply chain management, auditing, voting, and identity management.


Smart contracts can be used to automate payments between parties, eliminating the need for manual processes and reducing costs associated with third-party intermediaries.

Supply Chain Management:

Smart contracts can be used to track goods as they move through a supply chain, helping to reduce costs and increase transparency.

Auditing: Smart contracts can be used to automate auditing processes, ensuring accuracy and reducing time spent on manual tasks.


Smart contracts can be used to enable secure online voting systems.

Identity Management:

Smart contracts can be used to securely store user data and manage access rights. In conclusion, smart contracts provide a great deal of potential for businesses looking to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and streamline processes. They can be used in a variety of ways, from payments and supply chain management, to voting and identity management.

As businesses begin to recognize the power and potential of this revolutionary technology, it is likely that smart contracts will become an increasingly integral part of business operations. Smart contracts are a powerful tool that can revolutionize how businesses operate. With their many benefits and use cases, it is clear that smart contracts are here to stay.

Harvey Edgeman
Harvey Edgeman

Hipster-friendly zombie specialist. Proud troublemaker. Evil twitter lover. Pizzaaholic. Unapologetic coffee practitioner.